If you don't already know the answer to this question by the time you're thirty you're in trouble. I admire the kids who know when they're six and stay with it well into high school before changing their minds. My daughter went from wanting to be a cowgirl and ride a pink pony when she was three to being a wildlife rehabilitator for orphaned baby bats when she was four. She's almost seven and it hasn't changed much. There's so much to do in this world how could anyone pick just one thing? Still, I feel incomplete without a good response. But today it hit me. I know what I want to do now that I've grown up (happened quickly after I had my daughter).

I'm in my mid-thirties but I know what I'm doing with my life now. I'm going to do my little part to change the world for the better by honestly inspiring people through my stories and through my blogs. A person must change themselves. No one can do it for them but I will make them think.
Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly, do it well. Work as if you were working for God. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I'm doing what I wanted to be doing when I was a grown up. Finally! PTL! It took a while for God to get my attention, though. I did enjoy being a psychologist for 25 years until my RA derailed my career. But I believe God called me to write, and I finally got obedient. Hugs to you, Tattie!
ReplyDeleteI'm finding that what I want to do changes often and I'm finally accepting that and learning to run with it. It's making my life much more enjoyable. For me, writing isn't really a calling. It's something that occasionally bubbles up inside of me and then spills over, forcing me to write it all out. And then the well is dry for a long time but that gives me time to focus on my husband and daughter, my home, and friends so I guess it all works out.